The short title of the study: It should not exceed 10 words. (Times New Roman, 12 point, Bold)

Title of the Study (Title should not exceed 20 words) (Times New Roman, 14 point, Bold)

The English Title (You Need to Put the English Title Here) (Times New Roman, 14 point)

Research Article (Times New Roman, 12 pt)

1Name SURNAME, 2Name SURNAME, 1Name SURNAME, 2Name SURNAME (Times New Roman, 12 point, Bold)

1Write the name of the institution (Times New Roman, 12 point)

2Write the name of the institution (Times New Roman, 12 point)


It should be a single paragraph not exceeding 250 words. The purpose, the participants or the research group, the data collection tools, the procedure, the analysis of the data, briefly the findings, should be included in a short conclusion summary text, but should not be given as headings. You can delete this part and replace it with your own summary without breaking the formatting.


Keywords should start with a capital letter and be italicized (Ex: Sports education, High school students, Teacher). The number of keywords should not exceed 5.


You need to insert an English abstract into this section by taking into account exactly the same format. The abstract should not exceed the 250-word limitation. Purpose, subjects, method, results and conclusion should be included but not be given as a title in the text.


Each keyword should start with capital letters in italics (Example: Sport education, High school students, Teacher). Keywords should not exceed 5 words.


Regarding the research, it should cover the approach and findings in the literature and the purpose of the research.

Subheadings should be written with the first letter of each word capitalized and in bold:

If there is another subtitle under the subtitle, it should be written in lower case, bold and italic:


It should include participants, research group or sample, data collection tools, procedure or data collection, and data analysis. In this section, the place where the ethics committee permission was obtained and the ethics committee permission number should be given (For example, Hacettepe University Non-Interventional Clinical Research Ethics Committee, Permission no: ——– ). In addition, it will be stated that the study was carried out in accordance with the Helsinki Declaration and by obtaining a signed consent form from the participants. The original of the Ethics Committee Document must be uploaded to the system during article submission via Dergipark.

Participants/Research Group/Sample: Information on the population, sample, and participants should be given here. Tables should be prepared in accordance with APA format. You can access it from the link below.

Data Collection Tools: Write the data collection tools here. Make the subtitles bold and italic as in the examples below.

Motivation Scale in Exercise: Write the explanations about the data collection tool here.

Data Collection/Processing Path: Write the data collection process here. Make the subtitles bold and italic as in the examples below.

Procedure: Write the relevant explanations here.

Analysis of Data: Write the analysis of the data here. Make the subheadings bold and italic as follows.

Statistical analysis: Write relevant explanations here.



Here, the findings obtained as a result of the research should be included. Tables should be included in the text. Tables should be prepared in accordance with APA format. You can access it from the link below.

Figure titles and figures should be included in the text. Figures should be prepared in accordance with APA format. You can access it from the link below.

Subheadings should be written with the first letter of each word capitalized and in bold:

If there is another subtitle under the subtitle, it should be written in lower case, bold and italic:


It should include the explanation and discussion of the research findings in the light of the literature, the results and recommendations obtained from the research can also be given in this section or they can be given under a separate heading as below.


The results obtained from the research and suggestions for the future should be given briefly.

Author’s Note: Notes that the author wants to indicate should be given in this section. For example: If the research is a summary of a thesis work, or the institution(s) supporting the research or the people the researcher wishes to thank for their contributions to the research should be specified in this section.